On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 09:50:45AM -0500, Scott Young wrote:
> I just downloaded **** from Freenet, and I've noticed some minor
> problems with downloading large SplitFiles:
I didn't hear that. I wouldn't want to expose myself to liability for
conspiracy to commit copyright violation, please avoid referring
directly to illegal content.
> First of all, shouldn't segments be downloaded randomly like each of the
> blocks are?  Large downloads could get too unreliable after a few
> segments if a lot of people stop downloading part way.
Interesting idea.
> Also, I have a lot of partitions.  Freenet is installed on my F drive,
> the temp directory is on my C drive, and I was saving the movie to my H
> drive.  One thing I noticed was that when the download was done, Mozilla
> was saving a copy of the file to the C drive before it finally
> transferred it to the H drive.  The download failed a few times before I
> figured out that my C drive was running out of space from the temp files
> and mozilla eating it all up.
Yup. It's very annoying, but there's nothing we can do about it.
> I propose having the SplitFile UI request a path to save a file to
> before the download process begins, so that the web browser doesn't
> inefficiently download files to the wrong partition, then copy it over
> to the right partition.  Another problem that I noticed is that if the
> user is away for several hours after the download completes, the
> download seems to time out and not let the user save it.  Requesting the
> path to save to beforehand would solve this problem too.

Hmm. We may want to make some sort of background download functionality
in future, so you choose where to put the file and it downloads it in
the background without needing an open web browser window. That would
accomplish the same thing. The problem either way is that the path may
not be writable by the node... some people have security reasons to not
run freenet with permissions to write anywhere on any disk.

Matthew Toseland
Full time freenet hacker.
Freenet Distribution Node (temporary) at 

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