
On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 16:05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >What parts of nio does freenet need? 
> the selectable channels stuff, more specifically SocketChannel and
> ServerSocketChannel
> the selector (of course!)
> java.nio.ByteBuffer; except for the memmapped stuff
> none of the regexp and charset stuff (yet).  But we are thinking about doing
> those eventually.

Thanks. I have CCed the gcj mailinglist again since Michael Koch is on
that list and he is working on this stuff and can hopefully say how much
of the above is already working. But remember that the new nio things
will not be released before gcc 3.4 which is currently still in stage 1
development, which basically means that a release is still some 6 months
away (maybe more).

As long as we are still fixing bugs to get current freenet
implementations to work on gcj or kaffe and there hasn't been any
release of gcj or kaffe with even basic nio support I would not
recommend using nio stuff for new versions.

For my own project, a Bittorent protocol client, I have just used
blocking io with multiple threads. I had thought that I would hit
resource limits soon since the client has tens of connections to other
peers which each need a thread (for incoming and outgoing traffic). But
it did scale very well (on gcj at least, kaffe did give up after more
then 50 connections).

But the bittorrent protocol is not as complex as freenet and almost
completely network i/o driven. Also using multiple threads does make it
easier to make some mistakes that can lead to deadlocks if you are not
careful. So if you really need a select/poll based non-blocking io
interface then I would recommend the NBIO work of Matt Welsh who has
also helped design the new java.nio interfaces.

NBIO is free software that has seen much production use. And Matt Welsh
says: "Migration from NBIO to java.nio should not be difficult. If you
are in need of an efficient, working nonblocking I/O library for Java,
my recommendation is to go ahead and use NBIO, and move over to java.nio
once it is available." There are also Debian packages available (apt-get
install libnbio2-java). And the SEDA framework that is build on top of
it is also really interesting for designing high-performance servers.
See: http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~mdw/proj/java-nbio/index.html



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