> # Transient nodes do not give out references to themselves, and should
> # therefore not receive any requests.  Set this to yes if you cannot
> # receive incoming connections, or cannot keep the computer continuously
> # online.
> %transient=false
> ... an in spite off the % the node is still permanent !!!

But the default setting for transient is false... I cannot see how
commenting the setting out can magically make a node permanent.
Freenet on Windows still uses the freenet.ini settings - nothing is
overridden elsewhere.  So if the ini file contains %transient=false then
Fred will act as %transient=false

If this happens to make Fred act permanent then there is a bug in Fred.

> The config panel seems to have strong ideas on what
>  is better for your node

No it doesn't

> Is compiled with M$ stuff ?

Yes it is but that's completely irrelevant.  Unless you think that the
compiler used for a config app written in C++ somehow affects the
behaviour of a Java application (unlikely)

> =====>  P.S. what the hell is default.ini ????  <=======

It is a file containing all the default settings as reported by Fred
itself.  It's the same as doing

java -cp freenet-ext.jar -jar freenet.jar freenet.config.Setup --silent

or something like that anyway - I'm not very good at remembering the
command line syntax for it

default.ini is merged with whatever NodeConfig saves.  This is because
NodeConfig is rubbish and saves its settings in a peculiar format, and
doesn't know about the meaning of %.  The merging preserves the settings
in the format that both Fred and humans are used to, and also preserves
all the comments in the conf file.  It also allows new settings to be
kept, old settings to be removed, and defaults to be preserved (such that
if you change a setting from, say, %numberOfBytes=128 to
numberOfBytes=128, by using NodeConfig, it will be written back to the ini
file after the merging as %NumberOfBytes=128 to indicate that this is
still the default)

default.ini is regenerated each time NodeConfig is run (inefficient and
slow, but foolproof).

Aren't you glad you asked.  Yes, I know Fred can do its own merging, but
the merging code was written before Fred could merge properly, and I
haven't gone back to see if it works the same yet.

(As an aside to Matt Toseland - does the merging in Fred preserve settings
it doesn't know about?  What the merging in freenet.exe does is:  1- We
need to keep everything that appears in sections other than "[ Freenet
Node ]".  2- settings in the "[ Freenet Node ]" section that Fred doesn't
know about are removed.  3- settings (e.g. "numberOfBytes=128") in "[
Freenet Node ]" that match the defaults (e.g. "%numberOfBytes=128") should
be written out as if they are just the defaults (i.e.
"%numberOfBytes=128".  4- settings in "[ Freenet Node ]" that don't match
the defaults are written out to override the defaults. )

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