And what about Sun? Current freenet is Sun JVM dependent; I know the
problem that currently Kaffe doesn't work for freenet (and I think it
should be a major goal for the future), but this situation now can
help reaching Sun Microsystem.



On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 04:28:22PM -0700, pineapple wrote:
> I know this may sound funny, but did you try IBM?  It
> seems that IBM is moving away from being a
> merchandising company (selling software/hardware) and
> moving more towards being a services based company, so
> maybe an anonymous distributed publishing system like
> freenet would be more of interest to them then it
> might to other companies.  Also, IBM seems to have
> moved more towards embracing open source recently and
> they have also been active in grid computing which in
> some respects runs along the same lines as freenets
> distributed nature.  It's possible that IBM management
> is not aware of the Freenet Project and would be
> interested in learning about the project and
> supporting it financially.
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