On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 11:20:50AM +0200, Some Guy spake thusly:
> What trust issues?  It should be impossible to
> download a faulty build from such a freesite, since
> the whole site would be certified by the private key. 

And if the key is compromised and a trojan build put in place?

Those trust issues.

They need revokable keys so that then the compromise is detected they can
prevent people from downloading the bad build. The implications of a
privacy compromise due to a trojan'd freenet build are pretty serious.

> Seems like before we try to convince people to
> distribute linux and what not using freenet, we should
> distribute freenet using freenet.  I know this is how
> frost is distributed.

They are working on it but there are other issues to resolve first.

Tracy Reed

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