--- pineapple <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb: >
I was wondering if freenet supports some way to test
> the existence of part of a key.  Suppose there is a
> key on freenet that is
> SSK@<some_key>/colors/blue//blue.txt  Now, is there
> some way that I could ask freenet if there are any
> keys that exist that match SSK@<some_key>/colors/
> and
> get a true/false answer (in this case true)?  Even
> better would be if freenet returned a list of all
> the
> keys it could find that match.

Nope no chance.  Those pieces of data are all going to
wind up in different places, because they'll have
completely different hashes.   This is why build
distributed databases is hard.

If you wanted this to work you could just insert
SSK@<some_key>/colors/ with a list of links.

I think something like this might be theoretically
possible with containers since they're stored in the
same place, but it seems like a lot of special purpose
code would have to be added to all the nodes to do
this; so I don't see it happening.

In short, you can easily store a heiarchical structure
in a freenet, like a dirrectory tree.  You can forget
about tring to do any relational algebra, so no "join
table X with table Y on field a" if tuples of X and Y
are all over the place.


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