I think my node deadlocked, or, if it didn't it was very busy doing
nothing.  There were around 12 connections that didn't have blocked
data.  I watched it for a minute, and none of the network connections
moved any.  This is with 6207 on Linux 2.4.21.  I'm on a 400 MHz CPU.
I've found that most CPU overload can be mitigated with
outputBandwidthLimit=4000, so I am using that.  I tried getting a
backtrace with kill -QUIT `cat freenet.pid`, but that didn't do
anything (maybe I didn't wait long enough).  When my node isn't so
hosed, it does give data.

If it was deadlocked, this is bad, freenet either needs to read
inbound data first, or close those connections, if it doesn't plan on
reading the data.  It feels like freenet went to write data, tried,
wrote 0, went on the the next one to write, wrote 0, and so on, in a
tight busy loop, hoping that the situation would clear.  It will never
clear, beacuse the thing it is writting to is never gonna read,
because he is also deadlocked just like I am.  The only way out, is to
time out a connection after 60 seconds, or read first.

Also, if there is such a tight busy loop, could you put a sleep (1) in
it every 1000 time around the loop, just so that I can have a little
CPU left, so maybe the backtrace will work.

$ netstat -a -n | grep EST
tcp      429      0 myhost:13302      ESTABLISHED 
tcp    76726      0 myhost:13302     ESTABLISHED 
tcp    65482      0 myhost:4298    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  14162 myhost:3335    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  24278 myhost:3281    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  13348 myhost:3583    ESTABLISHED 
tcp    77208      0 myhost:13302     ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  14368 myhost:3519       ESTABLISHED 
tcp    77205      0 myhost:13302    ESTABLISHED 
tcp      428      0 myhost:13302      ESTABLISHED 
tcp    76802      0 myhost:13302     ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  13620 myhost:3270     ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  21605 myhost:3310      ESTABLISHED 
tcp      430      0 myhost:13302      ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0    600 myhost:3254    ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  13229 myhost:3255     ESTABLISHED 
tcp    42172      0 myhost:13302      ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  13890 myhost:3278    ESTABLISHED 
tcp    76746      0 myhost:13302     ESTABLISHED 
tcp      942      0 myhost:13302    ESTABLISHED 
tcp      429      0 myhost:13302      ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  13472 myhost:3764    ESTABLISHED 
tcp    77018      0 myhost:13302       ESTABLISHED 
tcp    76334  13544 myhost:3650    ESTABLISHED 
tcp    76869      0 myhost:13302      ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  14374 myhost:3269       ESTABLISHED 
tcp      429      0 myhost:13302      ESTABLISHED 
tcp    26319      0 myhost:13302    ESTABLISHED 
tcp    11762      0 myhost:13302     ESTABLISHED 
tcp        0  14259 myhost:3405     ESTABLISHED 
tcp    76734      0 myhost:13302     ESTABLISHED 
tcp      944      0 myhost:13302     ESTABLISHED 
tcp    10758      0 myhost:13302      ESTABLISHED 

$ vmstat 600
 procs                  memory    swap        io    system         cpu
 r b w  swpd  free  buff cache  si  so   bi   bo   in   cs  us  sy  id
 4 0 0  9100  4816  4932 30456   0   0    5   11  178  444  63   2  35
 1 0 0  9996  5644  5008 32124   0   0    7   14  160  473  65   2  33
 0 0 0 10124  4744  5008 29024   0   1    4   16  187  543  65   3  32
 4 0 0 10380  5524  4812 25824   0   1    3   15  184  583  63   4  34
 2 0 0  8872 22772  4936 27976   0   0    4   15  166  386  74   3  23
 8 0 0  8872  8732  4964 30064   0   0    0   14  166  449  64   2  34
 4 0 0  8872  6072  4972 30808   0   0    0   13  175  431  58   2  40
 6 0 0  8872  5824  4972 30360   0   0    0    5  145  310  70   1  29
 3 0 0  8872  5460  4972 30360   0   0    0    0  137  281 100   0   0
 3 0 0  8872  5096  4972 30360   0   0    0    0  138  342  99   1   0
 3 0 0  8872  4992  4972 30360   0   0    0    0  131  344 100   0   0
 3 0 0  8872  4896  4972 30388   0   0    0    0  147  342  99   1   0
 3 0 0  8872  4892  4972 30388   0   0    0    0  137  345 100   0   0
 3 0 0  8872  4816  4972 30388   0   0    0    0  131  342 100   0   0

Here, you can see that I shouldn't have been overloaded, 20-40% free,
and then, we just locked.  We can see data moving in and out before it
fell over, and after, no data.
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