> It may interest you to know that this idea has a patent pending on it:
> http://tinyurl.com/oj6p
> icepick
ug.  I'm not a big fan of stifling open source development with patents... 
but anyway, it looks like there are plenty of ways to achieve what Mike was 
saying without running up against that one.
IANAL, and definitely not a US patent attorney, so yadda yadda yadda... but:
claim 8 seems to require a server (or at least a cluster of redundant servers) that 
are trusted
and manage the token bank.  while thats the easiest way to do it, there are 
alternatives to avoid
double spends.  e.g. publishing a token into a DHT or just doing without central banks 
building a web of trust with various banks.
claim 74 provides a dirt easy way to not be hampered by this patent by just
using something other than TCP/IP.  
there's also lots in that patent that don't match up with freenet, either at the FNP 
level or at the
content distribution level.  does the patent prevent other people from doing something 
that matches
all of the claims, or are each of the claims seperable?  if the former, freenet could 
do exactly what
Mike was saying without having to change a thing.
I'm not saying thats the right way for freenet to go atm, I'm just saying that patent 
isn't a hindrance 
for doing so, from what I can see.
plus, as nawk mentioned on iip a min ago, 
<nawk> from a quick glance it looks like most of those claims have prior art in uucp 
and relay-mail like FIDO and RHIME
oh well, back to coding.

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