On October 03, 2003 03:40 pm, Ian Clarke wrote:
> Toad wrote:
> > On Sun, Sep 28, 2003 at 12:21:05AM -0500, Brandon Low wrote:
> >>Also, it is possible that inserts are __slow__ due (indirectly) to the
> >>asyncronizing of trailer sends.  I've tried to explain my view of this
> >>to toad, but lets see if mentioning it here gets me anywhere:
> >>With trailers async, there is no local limit on how many trailers we can
> >>start, that is we will keep queueing up trailers till we are blue in the
> >>face, causing tremendous slowness in the actual transfer of said
> >>trailers.  IT IS MY __HUMBLE__ opinion that this behavior is less
> >>desirable than having threads block on trailer sends forcing the node to
> >>limit itself on how many trailers it can start.
> I agree with Brandon.
> Would you rather go to a restaurant where they just kept accepting more
> customers, slowing the service afforded to their existing customers, or
> would you prefer that a restaurant did its best to serve its existing
> customers, and didn't accept new customers if existing customers would
> suffer?
> I would prefer the latter, and would point out that the latter
> restaurant may well end up serving as many if not more customers overall
> than the former.

I am working on this - may have it.  As an experiment I tried limiting the number
of sendConnections to 10.   The node worked well except that this type of limit
is very DOSable.   Then I talked to toad.   He suggested fixing sendQueueSize
and limiting on this.  I am testing code to do this.

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