On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 07:39:09PM +0200, Frank v Waveren wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2003 at 06:34:03PM +0100, Toad wrote:
> > No it wouldn't. Many requests are made for which the data does not exist
> > in the network. By Frost, for example. These would end up visiting every
> > node. And an attacker could produce a constant stream of random key
> > requests to overload a network using such a crazy algorithm.
> Ehm, no. You don't continue until the key is found, you continue until
> the request gets routed to a node that that request has already passed,
> ie the request loops. 

But then a lot of requests will get terminated way too early.
> -- 
> Frank v Waveren                                      Fingerprint: 21A7 C7F3
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]|stack.nl|dse.nl] ICQ#10074100               1FF3 47FF 545C CB53
> Public key: hkp://wwwkeys.pgp.net/[EMAIL PROTECTED]            7BD9 09C0 3AC1 6DF2

Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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