Hi there,
I have said this before, on my flog as well as on 3D17 as on IIRC, etc.
Aside from the problems in coding, which I won't comment on since I am not a coder, there is also a severe lack, in general, of proper management.
'Proper' may have a different meaning in an Open Source project, but it is still a good thing to involve as many people as possible who care enough for the project as possible. Human resources gets wasted in the current system. People get little to no response, get desillusioned, want to help but don't know how, get the feeling they aren't heard, etc.
Those things are subjective and it is not always reflective of reality; sometimes it ca not be helped. Much of the times it could with a bit more of overall management. Coders have the tendency to be occupied with the coding, which is on itself not a bad thing. But getting the most out of a project involves more then just the coding. I suggest a structural change in how the project is run in order to make it more user-friendly. I am not merely talking about the freenet-webinterface, I am talking about the involvement in the project as such.
While coders are important for the actual working of Freenet, there is no reason why we can not use people with other skills to participate and help the project in their own way. The current devl-team should make this possible which would relieve them from secondary tasks and thus give them more time to code.
Now, because things don't get done by staying vague (there has been endless discussions enough on this), I will put forward some pretty clear-cut suggestions:
1)There should be appointed an 'official' webmaster (or something like that), who deals with things related to the www freenetsite. He should have full cvs access, and people should be readily able to contact him.
I know the devl is readely using the cvs already, but that's for their specific purposes.  They are not very keen on putting stuff from others in it, if it doesn't concern the coding. And they shouldn't be bothered by non-code essential things anyway; I'm sure they have better things to do. But, that means ppl who have suggestions/improvements/ideas/or even correcting simple spellingmistakes, are not really been heard, or nothing is done with it, which, as I said, is a waste.
On the other hand, one can't give cvs acces to everybody who merely aks for it; the more ppl, the more things can go wrong, after all ;-). And besides, since the cvs is not anonymous,  some ppl may refrain from using it altogether. A worthwhile concept thus, to have a webmaster with enough authority to accept or reject ppls recommandations or suggestions; and in doubt, he could still ask a third opinion, for instance, thereby reducing randomnly crap-input.
One might see this as trivial, but I want to point out that, since I got cvs access, I have already received some updates from a person who didn't want to use cvs himself. I think with an official 'webmaster', easely contactable, this would only be improved. It should be someone that is reasonably trusted, volunteer, and has the will and the time to occupy himself with it.
2)Seen the latest developments, one can not else then deduce the stable/unstable branch gets mixed up to much. The system should be structured such, that the unstabel builds are really only there for devl and other geeks, to effectively test the stuff out, and only when there is agreement that it has become really stable and usefull enough, should it be put as stable.
It doesn't matter if the stable build doesn't get updated in a long while: that's not it's purpose. It's purpose is, to offer a reasonably working network (for the 'masses').
While this time between stabel and unstable may be longer thus, in the future, I also suggest it should not be done NOW. I mean, the current stable build is just crap, let's face it. The new (6226+) builds seem to be much better. As soon as there is a concensus that it's reasonably stable and working prety well (and I wouldn't wait too long with it), I would put a build as stable. It will work better then the current stable build, anyway.
3)for the sake of being user-friendly, one should set up an edition-based index on the webinterface of freenet. I mean; we all saw what happend to the DBRs.
now, evrytime I mention that, I get some negative response, but I don't se really why. I mean, it's not that of a friggin deal to put one lousy edition-index on it as well.
Some argue: but it's the bad network that is responsable for the DBR's fall-out. Well, maybe so, but the network could have periods of bad behaviour in the future, or the DBR maintainers could go on holliday, or for some reason can't update, or they were busted by the FEDs or by the Chinese secret police... I mean, the fact is, it's a point of failure. There are always possibilities it's not going to be updated, and - wham - all usefull indexing has gone.
And yes, the links of an editionbased index may go old...but there is something like spidering, and a maintainer can find the time to update it once in a month or so, now, can't he? and even if stuff gets outdated: it still beats *nothing*.
All by all, I see no major problems or counter-arguments NOT to set up (in addition to the DBRs) an edition based index, and quite a few why it *would* be usefull. So, what you say we give it a try?
4)While I have given a try on the sponsor-thnk-u page (seems not to have worked, but I can't see, because the cvs is b0rking), it's beyond me to code for an auto-update of that page, whenever a paypal-donation is made (and the donator selected/has chosen to be on the sponsor list, ofcourse). I know some ppl have been sceptical about this, but I do think it would be a nice feature for the website. Can Langley or Toad, *pls* do this? I've already talked about it with Ian, so you can contact him or me for more details, if you need it.
5)I'm not quite sure about this: but is there a debug-tool being used (systematically)? I think I read somewhere a question about what to use...well, can't the coders decide that? I mean, the benefit of having a tool searching systematic for bugs would, even on the pretty-short term outweigh any loss of time and energy that it took to actually implement it properly.
I think it would be wise, after a reasonably stable build is put on, that the coders should pause a while and first implement such a tool, and then go on with the debugging.
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