On Mon, Oct 20, 2003 at 02:16:09PM +0200, Some Guy wrote:
> I think I've figuared out there's a three way trade off between peformance, 
> populartiy, and
> resistance to DOS attacks.  Here it goes:
> I'm going to discuss Denial of Service Attacks (DOS) from within P2P networks, not 
> the underlieing
> network (TCP/IP), independently of what routing system is used.
> The resistance R of a network to a DOS censure attack is the number of 
> nodes/resources an
> adversary is forced to attack in order to make it hard to retrieve a particular 
> piece of data.
> ---- Really stupid routing (RSR)
> Let's talk about the most resistant network style there is first, the old Gnutella 
> network.  Since
> data can be anywhere, a adversary is pretty much forced to attack all the nodes in 
> the system.
> R = O(N)

However, because these systems use broadcast search or RSR, they do not
scale and the attacker can simply flood the whole system with requests
or data, because of the fact that practical systems such as gnutella
allow effectively infinite HTL.
> ---- Global Hashes 
> Let's talk about some of the pretty academic DHTs, which provide nice peformance by 
> mapping each
> key onto a specific target node via global hash.  Many of these systems have the 
> resistance of
> only one or a fixed number of nodes.
> R = O(1)
> ---- Intermediate networks
> In between these two networks we have systems like Entropy which break thier 
> hashspace down into s
> (s=16) specialized cells via a global hash, which then use simple RSR.
> http://entropy.stop1984.com/en/entropy.html
> I'm going to do some analysis on this type of network, which should generally be 
> valid for DOS in
> all DHTs.
> s = specialization of the network
> r = redundancy with which a piece of data is stored
> d = search depth or number of specialized nodes asked
> p = probablity that the data is found
> N = total number of nodes
> R = Resistance to a DNS attack
> Since an adversary would not know which nodes in one of Entropy's cells had the 
> data, he would be
> forced to attack all of them.
> R = O(N/s)
> This should be clear:
> p = 1-(1-r*s/N)^d 
> At constant p we can evaluate design trade-offs at large N.
> s*r*d = O(N)
> or R = O(r*d)   regardless of N.
> There is a three way geometric trade-off between redundancy of storage (insert 
> HTL*frequency, or
> popularity), query depth (request HTL), and resistance to DOS.  This is what I'm 
> calling the holy
> trinity of DOS in DHTs.  I believe it holds true for all DHTs using global hashes.
> You could for example design a network where:
> R = N^0.5
> and
> r = d
> Thus making r and d O(N^0.25), which you might be able to live with.
> Here are some sample parameters and p, to give you an idea of the trade-offs in a 
> million node
> net:
> n     r       d       s       p
> 1000000       100     100     100     0.633967659
> 1000000       100     10      1000    0.65132156
> 1000000       10      100     1000    0.633967659
> 1000000       100     100     100     0.633967659
> 1000000       1000    10      100     0.65132156
> 1000000       1000    100     10      0.633967659
> 1000000       10      1000    100     0.632304575
> 1000000       100     1000    10      0.632304575
> 1000000       1       1000    1000    0.632304575
> 1000000       10      10      10000   0.65132156
> 1000000       1000    1       1000    1
> 1000000       100     20      1000    0.878423345
> 1000000       20      20      1000    0.332392028
> ---- Non-Global Hashing
> I've got another neat trick to improve things a bit.  A trusted group of nodes could 
> use a private
> hashing function to redistribute data between them.  As long as the adversary can 
> not infiltrate
> the group, he is forced to flood the whole group.  A request or insert need only 
> travel one hop
> through the group.
> In networks where there is believed to be a certain fraction of adversarial nodes f, 
> you can
> calculate the optimal clustering c to throw random nodes together in this way.
> This local hashing cann't be used to get around the trinity, but just win a 
> considerable boost to
> performance.  In each specialized cell you could have clusters of nodes, instead of 
> single ones.
> I've got other ideas that involve key sharing to try to make clusters that can scale 
> higher, but
> I'm not sure it's feasible/nessesary.

Hmm. Odd.
> ---- One more point
> Replication (r) doesn't have to mean coping the data.  I could premix route to r 
> nodes and only
> tell them I have the data.  I still will have done O(r) work though.  Think of it 
> this way.
> <work done to DNS> = O( <work done by insertion> * <work done by request> )
> Likewise "depth" (d) for searches doesn't have to be HTL; you can search several 
> nodes in
> parallel, but the system will still have used O(d) resources.

Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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