On Thursday 23 October 2003 21:36, Doug Bostrom wrote:
> Greetings,
> Having responded to Matthew's request for a few people to set up a test
> network of NGR servers, I'm now wondering how the one I've started can be
> more useful. I've been using  it to retrieve various random things, and
> when I have a few moments from time to time I'll insert something into the
> network.
> Running the server and exercising it a little is all fine,and dandy,  but
> what about the information from error messages and the log output that's
> currently being dumped unwatched into a file on the host here? I'm split
> heavily on a bunch of other work, and I'll likely miss anything interesting
> that might be coughed up. So, an idea: Would it be completely stupid to
> capture the log output periodically, grep it for stuff suggested as
> interesting material by the developers, then gzip and  mail the result to
> some address where Matthew or whoever is responsible for all this can have
> a look at it? Sure, there's quite a bit in the logs but by removing all the
> unexceptional stuff maybe something would remain that would be useful if
> only you could see it. This could all be done effortlessly by a script. In
> fact, such a script could fashioned so that the items to search for could
> be retrieved along w/ the daily snapshot jar retrieval.
> Whatever helps get things working better- if you want the entire log for
> every day I'll be happy to send it. It just seems like a shame to be
> stabbing around in the dark (so to speak, I'm sure you're not actually)
> when there's all this info available if only you could see it.
> Given the nature of the NGR test network, it's hard to think that such a
> scheme would be a dreadful security compromise or somehow expose the
> network to danger.
> I mention all of this in part because a few hours ago while I was busy with
> a conference call I noticed the console on  the NGR box here spit out a
> dire warning having to with a serious JVM error or somesuch. Unfortunately
> I couldn't do a thing about it at the time and now I can't find it in the
> log, though it's presumably in there someplace.
> Over and out.

Better yet, insert it onto the network. Just have a script where Frost or 
something inserts it into a channel. That would give you plenty of traffic, 
new stuff to request, and make the information available. Make a few 
categories: Errors, Normal, Discussion etc.
I'll try to get a unstable node up tomorrow.

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