On Thursday 30 October 2003 01:46 pm, Toad wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 01:15:23PM -0600, Tom Kaitchuck wrote:
> > Why not? For CHK:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED],<hash>,<decrypt key>
> > where <Decrypt key> decrypts
> > and H(hash) routes
> > and H(hash+XXX) verifies.
> > All you have to send is hash and XXX.
> > For SSK:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED],<key>,<name>
> > where <key> decrypts
> > and H(H(key+name)) routes
> > and H(H(key+name)+XXX) verifies.
> > All you have to send is H(key+name) and XXX.
> >
> > Why wouldn't this work?
> Because if XXX is common, the attacker only needs to compute it once.

The attacker needs to compute it once PER KEY! this means they can use the 
same key over and over, but the failure table should prevent that from doing 
too much damage. My main consearn is that they would be able to accumulate 
large numbers of keys over time and then use them all at once and then wait 
for the failure table to expire and repeat the attack. 

The amount of CPU time it would take to pull off the attack is:
(Time it takes to generate one key)*2^(number of bits they are trying to brute 
force)*(the RPH processed by the aria they are attacking)*(failure table time 
in hours)
or to attack a single node:
(Time to generate a key)*(size of network)*(average RPH)*(Failure table time)
(Time to generate a key)*(size of network)*(Failure table MaxSize) Whichever 
is less. (So the attack is still possible. It is just harder.)

So over time we can keep the Time to generate a key constant with hardware, 
which in turn will enable nodes to process more QPH, and the size of the 
network will grow. However it would still be good to make generating the keys 
less common, because then we can increase the time to generate, and 
Dramatically increase the Failure table time/size.

> > > A further problem is that you need to be able to increase the required
> > > amount of hashcash over time, as machines become able to do more
> > > hashcash - this is NOT good for URLs!
> >
> > Well at least it would not affect routing. If at first we allocate 3
> > characters to XXX then that means we can make them do 2^18 hashes. If
> > that is not enough goto 10 that's 2^60 hashes. Even if the average
> > computer doubles in speed every 18 months we should only need to add one
> > character to the URI every 9 years.
> The problem is we need to keep the time to compute it reasonable within
> current technology, while not letting it get too low as to not be
> useful. That means we need to update it regularly. Hmm, maybe we don't
> have to route by XXX though, yeah. We could route by the existing key
> and just verify XXX, which is derived from the routing key amongst other
> things? Interesting.

Yes, routing always works by H(hash) or H(Hash+key) so in the feature you can 
up the minsize of XXX to require stronger minimum verification without 
affecting routing at all. Additionally the old version would be froward 
compatable and accept the new versions verification, you just have to decide 
when to update the minimum and no longer accept the previous number of bits. 

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