This is an extention to the idea of keeping estimator data in the .refs which aims to bring more consistent "worldview" between the nodes. It works best if there is trust implemented between nodes, but will also bring some limited results without trust.

At random interval the node asks a random subset of the nodes in the rt for the estimator data they have of another node/subset of nodes (the two subsets can overlap). After that the node "merges" their results with its own estimator in a manner that would be as cancer-proof as possible in a network without trust. (that means removing outliers, averaging, etc.)

* increased network traffic. The timing will have to be chosen not to create a cascade effect.
* powerful attacker with many nodes totally screws up our estimates, or even worse - provides such data which would make the requesting node favor his cancer nodes.

* Nodes have a more consistent picture of each other's strengths and weaknesses.
* Newer nodes find their place faster
* The network does not become any more static
* Since topological neighbors know similar things about each other, each request from within the "neighborhood" will go directly to the best node.

"Neighborhood" is not rigidly defined; if a network map is drawn, there will be no rigid boundaries between shared estimator information; rather it will flow gradually, providing optimal routing paths. (ok this sounds psycho but its much easier to visualise than explain - will try and get a pic/graph soon)

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