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Currently, those of use whom are NAT'ed have to configure ipAddress
manually. If ones IP isn't very sticky (and/or is not using dynamic
DNS), it can be a pain to keep changing it. So I have a simple solution:
Why not just ask the node were connecting to what our IP address is? If
we do this every time we connect to a node, it'll also sense IP address
changes (since all of our connection will drop when IP address changes).

Its not perfect, but it would work 99% of the time (it might fail, for
example, if we're behind some kind of load balancer that uses different
outbound IP, for example.) In the event we get different IP address from
various nodes, easier solution is to make our IP address the one we see
the most of. One will still need to punch a hole in their NAT to be
permanent, of course (short of uPnP, zeroconf, etc).

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