This idea may be rather unpopular, but too bad... :))

Rateless codes are like FEC except that they support infinite number of checkblocks, and the file becomes a stream. Simple implementation is just to wrap the checkblocks from fec in a repeating sequence and insert them in a channel like frost boards, etc. More sophisticated implementations don't exist afaik, the theory is at

and if you have postscript,


I believe this will provide a better performance than fec for large files than the current FEC algorithm as it will ensure that as long as someone is inserting the file stream it will be retrievable and reconstructable. Of course mass adoption may have disastrous effects on the network (but then again the same has been said for the polling mechanism frost uses). It has different uses than the standard FEC, most notably a large rare file that is not going to be very popular. When the file-stream stops being requested the inserter will effectively become a ddos-er, but freenet can handle that ;) It may be integrated with the frost feedback mechanism (i.e. turn the source off when x succesful downloads complete)

As soon as I hear back from the author of the paper I will start implementing a client which does that. Forward all hatemail to /dev/null :-pp

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