Toad wrote:
Freenet unstable 6336 is in CVS and in the snapshots.
Major changes:
* Don't use the {p,t}SearchFailed running averages in estimating. They
  don't work (maybe they could though), and exponential backoff provides
  an effective mechanism.

If I read StandardNodeEstimator.longEstimate() correctly, the new formula is:

estimate=(pDNF - pLegitDNF) * (tDNF + requestFailTime)
         + pSuccess * tSuccess;

There are some assumptions implicit in the above formula:

1. It assumes that it will successfully connect. That is fine so long as we are already connected... but what if we need to connect? Shouldn't we take the time to connect into account?

2. It assumes that it will not get a QR. That would be find so long as exponential QR backoff yields a network with almost no QRs... but at the moment, there certainly are a lot of QRs. Why not account for them?

3. It assumes there will not be a failure during transfer. blah blah blah same thing... Why not account for them?

I would recommend going with your previous Option #1, where you would have accounted for various forms of search failure (QR et al) separately.

However, I may have my facts wrong in the above, so I'll await a response. Assuming we still disagree on what the formula should be, I'll try to contruct a real life example of why the current formula would steer us wrong.


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