On Sat, 11/15/03 at 18:36:40 -0500, Edward J. Huff wrote:
> On redhat 9 I put fs.file-max = 65536 in /etc/syscntrl.conf...
> I found users still have ulimit -u showing max files 1024, and that
> they can't increase it.
> After googling a bit, I discovered two approaches (I fixed both)
> 1)  Change /etc/profile to add  ulimit -Hn 65536
> 2)  Create /etc/initscript as described in man initscript, including
>     ulimit -Hn 65536
> Using this approach, I also had to add ulimit -n 65536 to
> start-freenet.sh, since I don't want to give every process
> a huge default file descriptor limit.
> -- Ed Huff
I have a system wide /etc/init.d script for starting freenet, so I
simply use ulimit -n 4096 in the script _before_ dropping root privs and
starting freenet.  I take it that -Hn XXXXXX allows all users to change
their limi up to that value?

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