On November 16, 2003 10:17 pm, Edward J. Huff wrote:
> > I'm very confused by this. I was under the impression that a
> > QR meant "DON'T back down the chain, just try another path" and
> > that DNF meant "send a failure all the way back down the chain,
> > as the HTL has been exhausted."
> >
> > In fact, that's how I described it to someone on the list just
> > a few days ago. No one corrected my mistake, if I got it wrong.
> > I believe Edward has a longer-term, firmer grasp of Freenet's
> > operations than myself, but someone please confirm this one way
> > or the other. Apologies in advance for consuming devl traffic
> > on this... (if I am the only one who is educated by it)
> Thanks for the confidence, but I don't know everything.  I took
> the guy you corrected as being right because I got behind reading
> this list and thought that no one corrected _his_ mistake.  But
> since Toad and Ian replied to your message and didn't correct it,
> you may well be right.  But I saw other exchanges which make
> much more sense if QR's do go all the way back.

HTL does not get decremented until we can route.  So a QR will not
cause the cascade.  For that to happen we need to find the data or
get a DNF...

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