On Monday 03 November 2003 07:26 pm, Toad wrote:
> 1. Remove the link to the non-java version. Nobody should run freenet
> unless they have broadband anyway!
Ahem? Why? I work fine on *33.6*, and I don't think I put much load on the 
network (like I even could) that would be made up for by me being permanent.

> 2. Make the non-java version download and run the java version if it is
> necessary, and remove the java version.
I am for this.

> 3. There is an officially sanctioned way to have it download the Sun
> JRE... oierw said something about "the JAVA Online Installer", from
> Sun's website.
Or this.
"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they go by."
        - Douglas Adams
Nick Tarleton - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGP key available

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