LOL, yeah. This is exactly what you and Toad were talking about, plus
lots of other goodies thrown in. I was so busy writing this that I
wasn't reading my email, now as I look back through, I see the two of
you were descussing many of the issues that I struggled to sort out
to write this. It was realy a let down to see that this wasn't going
to be totaly unexpected.

Anywho, It ammounts to killing querys baised on time, not HTL. It
makes Freenet a positive trust baised network, (read the archives) I
bleeve I responded to you a few times talking about some of the
implications of this. It eliminates pDNF entirely, which I had come
to the conclusion was causing NGrouting to fail. It eliminates
vunerability to Black Hole nodes, which I did not know existed, when
I wrote this. It impliments proportional querry rejecting. (see the
archives where I post sample data talking about a split lifo/fifo
system.) It also enables QRing baised on key, etc.

Toad: Please give this a very thourough look over. But I think this
should be a general solution to most network problems / flooding

It would still help if you could give an illustration of how your system works.


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