Postitive Trust == GNUnet modle. My proposial impliments both.

>>> Martin Stone Davis wrote:
You'll also have to answer the question I had about GNUnet-style economic models: what crucial problem would be solved that wouldn't
be solved by the plan I outlined (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.network.freenet.devel/8191)?

I could ask you the same question. The bottom line is that my
proposal is a very easy way of implementing exactly what you

I'm confused. You said your proposal was equivalent to implementing a GNUnet-style model on Freenet. You are also saying it's a way of doing what Toad described. But Toad's idea != GNUnet-style model. All Toad is saying is to use time-to-live rather than hops-to-live. That's just one part of your proposal.


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