Hello all;

I was wondering two things:

(1) what is the status of multiplexing communications between a-b to be
fewer (eg interruptable units smaller than a full message; so
transferring 500k doesn't tie up the connection and another have to be

(2) Is there a way to limit the number of connections that any one node
may have active with me; I have one node consuming one third of my
connections!! and given that I get requests from ~50 nodes; I don't
really think this is a fair share.  Does such a feature need to be
programmed or does it already exist.

Right now without this feature; I think my options are:
        (a) blacklist the IP via my firewall
        (b) leave it be

My guess is that (a) might hurt freenet if its a good node; that just
likes me to much; but (b) might also be an issue if the high connecting
node is evil as it may end up causing me to deny service to other nodes

Thoughts? Comments? other ideas? anyone else noticing this?


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