On Tue, 15 Jan 2008 19:57:47 +0000, Matthew Toseland wrote:

> FCP API for Node to Node
> Messages so Thaw etc can talk with Thaw on nearby darknet nodes.

IMHO this is a bad idea. The only use I can imagine for this would be to
create a "Thaw-net" to route around Freenet proper. If this Thaw-net turns
out to have less security than Freenet, as it propably will, Freenet will
get blamed for it.

There is also the issue that currently, a paranoid person could run Thaw
in a computer with a non-public IP, and use a firewall to let it to
connect only to the FCP port of a Freenet node in another computer, and
nowhere else. A program so isolated would have no way of reporting what
you're up- or donwloading to anyone, since it had no way of identifying
you. Add these FCP messages, however, and it becomes possible to
circumvent this ("Fellow Thaw node, my operator is downloading
counter-revolutionary political material. Please inform the proper
authorities of the dark deeds of this enemy of the proletariat.").

The only legitimate reason for node-to-node messages is so that the node
operators can talk; there is no reason whatsoever why Thaw should be able
to talk to anyone besides the operator of the node, at least non that
wouldn't be either stupid or outright nefarious.

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