* [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-03-19 00:15:58]:

> Hi,
> I'm a french student of computer science at ENSIMAG[1]. I am looking for
> your feeling 
> on my proposal for working in your organization as part of the Google
> Summer of Code.
> I have been using the Freenet software for various reasons for a long time
> and I find 
> it to be a very interesting endeavour, although not easy to setup.

Well, any suggestion on how to improve it would be welcome.

> It is also not very straightforward to use on the long term

What do you mean here ? do you have any specific example in mind ?

> and redistribute under Linux, especially with 
> distributions which enforce high levels of good practice and standard
> conformance like 
> the Debian-based distributions.

Agreed, we will need to provide packages at some point.

> I am very interested by your project idea to overhaul the installation
> packages. A way to automatize the installation and ref gathering process

Huh ? When did you last try freenet ? The bootstrapping code has been
implemented a while ago...

> would be a very interesting 
> task to me. It would also greatly lower the barrier of entry for less
> technically 
> minded users as the Tor project achieved in its distinct field.
> I am a long time Linux user and sysadmin and now have a fairly good
> experience with 
> Linux packaging. I have made packages for private deployment of custom
> software on 
> Linux servers. I am also currently working on a large multiple
> distributions packaging 
> project for Oberthur Card Systems as part of work done through my school's
> Junior 
> Enterprise[2]. I have access to a large range of architectures and
> operating systems 
> with my schools computer labs.
> I have experience with navigating around fairly large C/C++ codebases,
> including as 
> part of packaging work.

Freenet is written in java and that's part of why it's hard to package
properly. Do you have any experience with java packaging?

> For peculiar reasons, I have not done a lot of packaging work for free
> software and 
> I'd gladly reuse my experience for public interest.

I am not sure I would have mentioned that if I were you. Open-source
contribution is more a matter of faith than a way of making money. If
your main reason to take part into GSoC is money, you are likely to be

> I'm looking forward to any advice about this proposal and am available for
> more 
> details, including schedule.

I suggest you state more clearly what the deliverables of your work
will be. How far are you planning to go? Which distributions are you
planning to build packages for? Deb. based ones only or are you
considering RPM based ones as well? Will you write the server-side
scripts needed to maintain mirrors?

Last year we had some packaging proposals, none of them has been
selected even if one was really close to be. When you will be writing
your final proposal keep in mind that you're planning a three months
job: We will select the best proposal which has reasonable chances to
be achieved in due time.


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