Ian has found some more funding, so we are okay for another 6-8 months. This 
will be announced properly shortly. This relieves the pressure to get 
something out regardless of what it is. So we can have a sensible discussion 
1. What should be in 0.8?
2. When to release 0.8?

My current view:

We have a pretty good basis for a release already, but we need a lot more 
debugging, we probably need a load more optimisation on db4o (if discussions 
on the support list are anything to go by), there are a few features we have 
already agreed are essential, which are mostly easy, there is Freetalk, and 
there is Bloom filter sharing. IMHO Bloom filter sharing will make a *BIG* 
difference to Freenet's performance and therefore to the success (users, 
content, donations) of 0.8.0.

We should aim for a beta in the not too distant future, however IMHO we should 
aim to implement the essential and very important features below before 
releasing it, and even a beta needs to be reasonably usable in terms of bugs; 
we will very likely need further optimisation on db4o to make Freenet 
practically usable for all users.

So I am suggesting that we allow 2-3 months for feature work, fixing major 
bugs, and further optimising db4o, and release a beta in July. After that we 
have final bugfixing aiming for a final 0.8.0 before say October.


- Freetalk. Freetalk needs to work well. Any essential plugin changes for 
Freetalk. (Mostly down to xor)
- The new wininstaller. This is essential, we need Vista support, 
unfortunately it's not going to disappear much as we might want it to! (Easy)
- MHKs (or DHKs) - redundant CHKs for the top block of a splitfile (no, I 
don't like RHK, it sounds too much like RSK, and R stands for Revocable not 
Redundant). (Reasonably easy)
- Various minor usability tweaks. (Mostly easy but lots of it)
- Fix, or at least disappear, the "N peers forcibly disconnected due to not 
acknowledging packets" bug/message. (???)

Very important:
- Bloom filter sharing and all its dependancies: Client-cache, don't cache 
while HTL is at maximum, transitional arrangements for old nodes' datastores. 
(Estimate 4 weeks for working and thoroughly debugged)

Fairly important:
- Multi-container freesite inserts. saces' work is pretty much working afaik, 
but it needs to be made fully persistence aware and debugged and de-leaked.
- Update plugins over Freenet.
- Pause mode.

Easy and would be nice:
- Solve the last-segment-has-less-redundancy problem for splitfiles.
- Guesstimate the monthly transfer usage for each bandwidth setting on the 
bandwidth selection screen.
- Deploy the new x86-64 FEC code.
- IM-friendly noderefs.

Would be nice:
- Javascript support for loading inline images on a page.
- Audio/video filters, plus an increased maximum file size when using the 
progress page.
- Hierarchical DBRs for USK updating.

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