* Matthew Toseland <t...@amphibian.dyndns.org> [2009-05-23 20:43:56]:

> sashee is working on making the web interface more dynamic. Google Web 
> Toolkit will be used to translate some java code into javascript, and then 
> this generated javascript will be built into Freenet in much the same way as 
> themes are.
> The problem is that we need to be able to rebuild it when somebody does an 
> ant distclean, e.g. when creating a signed jar to distribute as a stable 
> build.
> IMHO the best option is to put GWT, in source code form, without the platform 
> speciifc stuff (apparently we only need two jars to compile java into 
> javascript, they add up to 15MB), into the contrib repository, thus keeping 
> the fred repo clean. There is already a lot of third party code in the 
> contrib repository, and it is quite large, so IMHO this is not a problem. 
> Then when you do ant distclean in fred, it will wipe the generated 
> javascript, and then when you run ant, it will rebuild it. If contrib is not 
> unpacked in ../contrib then the build will fail.
> Another option would be to include the compiled jars in contrib (bad if you 
> want to do a full rebuild), or to just require GWT to be unpacked in ../gwt . 
> Any objections to my proposal, or support for other options?

Make ant download the appropriate version of GWT if needed. That's what
we use to do with the wrapper and other dependancies.


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