I have enclosed to this email a review of kurmiashish's code and
recommendations on what to merge upstream and when.

I'm mostly happy with what he did so far, namely:

- A BMP filter
- Extend the current HTML filter to support new attributes (HTML5.0)
- Parse XHTML as XML (imho we need a better, generic purpose XML filter)
- A brand new CSS filter

Currently he is working on an ATOM 1.0 filter and I expect it to be ready
soon (it's relatively easy to do). I am not sure at this stage whether
we will have a RSS filter (they are many versions of the norm, no-one
really agree on one; and it's complex).

His next assignments are in order:

- XHTML support in ATOM
- ThawIndex filter (it's basic XML: trivial)
- SVG support (including in HTML)
- More work on XHTML (parse it as XML)
... Then we will see how far we are in the program... And whether we
want to go for audio/video formats or RSS... Suggestions from there on
will be welcome.

He probably shouldn't be the one merging his code upstream. As I refuse to
commit to freenet-staging someone else should probably do it (it's
 trivial, they are no conflicts and 3rd party reviewing won't harm).

On a side note: Ashish has been busy with personal issues lately; I hope the 
best for what he has on his mind.

I will do his mid-term evaluation this week-end: for me he's passing.

Get rid of readInt and readShort; use what we have in freenet.support.Fields 
for instance... Magic numbers are *bad* and that code is error-prone and not 

Appart from that I think it's ready to be enabled upstream.



Rename it to CSSFilter.java

Try to declare each of the imports you need; We usually don't use wildcards.

Don't use your own log method: use the logging infrastructure. We use to have 
problem with nested locking on the Logger class and its sub-implementations. 
Register a LogThresholdCallback statically and then prefix your log statements 
with if(logMINOR) ... Performance wise it does matter.

Why do you catch IOException in parse()? You shouldn't.

Your concat() method ought to be in freenet.support

elementVerifiers, allelementVerifiers, auxilaryVerifiers and friends ought to 
be static AND final

Is there a reason why auxilaryVerifiers is 100 PropertyVerifiers? We can have 
arbitrary limits but justify them; at least put a comment...

getVerifier(String element) is far away from being thread safe... Whether we 
want to have locking here or not is open to discussion.

in HTMLelementVerifier(String), don't use StringBuffer: use StringBuilders (see 
the javadoc for the difference)

filterCSS() : I don't like that one. constants ought to belong to the class 
itself and to have descriptive names! You are using comments but not javadoc 
here, which is bad because IDEs don't pick it up. Factor it out and put 
descriptive names and use enums. The rest of the method lacks comments.

I would suggest you replace all the HashSets by enums. (allowedUnits, 
colorKeywords, ...) should be enums, not HashSets imho

is*Checker(String) : those methods should log the exceptions they catch using 
the logger.

Hmmm, this code is clearly not ready to be deployed but I'd still suggest it's 
merged upstream and proposed as an alternative filter (maybe through a config. 
option). It's *safer* than the current CSS filter but requires testing.



get rid of it alltogether; Usually we use TMCI and the FILTER: keyword to test 



Same comments as above: I think we should use enums there too...



openElements should be final

the XHTML part should check that the basic document structure is there... and 
that the encoding specified is the one the filter is supposed to operate with.

Should be merged upstream so that we have support of the new tags.

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