On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Evan Daniel <eva...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:17 PM, Ian Clarke <i...@locut.us> wrote:
> >> Really?  I don't see much functionality that fits that description.
> >> Sure, the advanced mode config and stats pages get rather long.  But
> >> surely implementing those is no harder than implementing the simple
> >> mode ones.
> >
> > There is a lot.  Core functionality is being able to surf web pages,
> > download and upload files, participate in the forums, and perhaps this
> new
> > blogging thing.
> And configuring Freenet, and verifying that your node is healthy, and
> adding darknet peers.  And probably searching as well.

Yes, and those things.

>  > Wait, are you referring to what is required to compile Java to
> Javascript
> > using GWT, or what is required to compile the entire GWT development
> toolset
> > from source?  I see no reason that we need to do the latter, any more
> than
> > we need to compile Eclipse or javac from source before using it.
> You can't build those?  That's news to me.

Are you asserting that you can't build GWT if you put in the effort?  I
thought you hadn't tried.  Open source doesn't require that something is
easy to build, it just requires that it can be done.

> At present building Freenet does not require any tool that can't be
> built from source.  I don't think that's a mandatory property: when
> Freenet started, this was not true of Java, and I think that was a
> reasonable decision.  But I don't think it's a property we should give
> up lightly, either.

It was never a requirement for Freenet, neither in the past, nor now.  That
being said, I've seen no evidence to support your implication that GWT
cannot be built from source.

> Anyway, as I said already, I don't see much point in arguing if your
> mind is made up.

I've taken the time to consider and respond to every point you've made, and
at no point have I said that my mind is made up on anything.  You are the
one bringing the discussion to a close but you want to make it my fault.

Sorry, but I'm wise to such passive aggressive rhetorical tactics :-)


Ian Clarke
CEO, SenseArray
Email: i...@sensearray.com
Ph: +1 512 422 3588
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