On Thursday 21 October 2010 03:21:51 Juiceman wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 3:52 PM, Matthew Toseland <t...@amphibian.dyndns.org
> > wrote:
> > On Monday 18 October 2010 14:30:48 Christian Funder Sommerlund wrote:
> > > [From the minutes]
> > > toad_ and nextgens bring up problems with the current windows installer,
> > > and give a brief of its history.
> > >
> > > nextgens notes that the hardest part is to continuously maintain it, to
> > > ensure that it keeps working.
> > >
> > > toad_ points out that he needs to purchase copies of Windows for testing
> > > purposes.
> > >
> > > Various people discuss ways of implementing a windows installer,
> > > including MSI/NSIS and even using a VM.
> > >
> > > infinity0 notes that this doesn't solve the problem of needing a regular
> > > maintainer.
> > >
> > > p0s argues that the windows installer is an important component and
> > > therefore by default falls to toad_ if no other suitable person can be
> > > found.
> > >
> > > toad_ accepts this solution in the case where our current maintainer
> > > Zero3 doesn't show up in time for the next release.
> > >
> > > sanity offers to provide windows licenses.
> > >
> > > [My comments]
> > > I feel like I ought to comment on the above, being the one that made
> > > (and kind-of maintains) the thing :).
> > >
> > > I'm not sure if it was mentioned at the meeting, but I'd like to point
> > > out that the main issues throughout the years have been directly related
> > > to
> > >
> > > A) The custom user we used (was removed some time ago)
> > > B) The custom service we used (was removed in the latest alpha)
> > >
> > > (both of which I argued on getting rid of back when I originally built
> > > our new windows installer, several years ago, but was overruled :()
> > >
> > > As we now know, neither of the above is easy to do properly across the
> > > vast lanscape of Windows installations. A) isn't exactly good practice
> > > on Windows anyway, but B) ought to be doable. B) will work on pretty
> > > much any Windows machine out-of-the-box, but has showed to be impossibly
> > > hard to make work reliably on certain existing setups.
> > >
> > > I agree with nextgens that one of the main issues is maintenance. The
> > > first year or so after my initial version was easy enough for me to do
> > > alone, given my situation back then, but since I've started on my CS
> > > studies it has been increasingly difficult for me to find time for
> > > maintaining it. Another person or two would help a lot.
> > >
> > > Regarding choice of installer (custom AHK vs. NSIS vs. MSI vs...), I
> > > still believe that a custom installer is a huge bonus to usability. The
> > > downside, however, is that it requires more maintenance compared to a
> > > standardized wizard installer.
> >
> > Can you coordinate with Juiceman to get an update script sorted out for the
> > alpha? (If necessary in cmd script). Are there any other critical issues
> > that must be solved before deploying the alpha?
> >
> Ok, I have installed the alpha on a VM.  It looks like the start.exe and
> stop.exe are no longer used?  Also, the utilities wget.exe and sha1test.jar
> aren't installed.
> I need to know the command line arguments to start and stop the node and
> also if there are exit conditions (errorlevel 0, etc).
> We need to make sure wget.exe, sha1test.jar and startssl.pem are installed.
> Also it needs to be decided where those files will be installed.  I'm not
> clear what we're doing with the folder restructuring...
> I had committed update.exe which was just a wrapper to call update.cmd; this
> was to prompt a UAC elevation (hopefully).  Do we want to use this or is it
> obsolete now?
> I can redo the update.cmd script if that is still the plan as long as the
> above items are taken care of.
As far as I can see Freenet is started and stopped exclusively through the tray 
exe. It does not currently have command line options to start and stop from a 
script. Zero3, can you quickly add these so that Juiceman can write the update 
script? I know you're busy and I'm trying to limit what you need to do, but we 
really need this fix!

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