On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 1:22 PM, Michael Grube <michael.gr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Robert Hailey <rob...@freenetproject.org
> > wrote:
>> On 2012/01/23 (Jan), at 8:21 AM, Martin 'The Bishop' Scheffler wrote:
>> > well, i see the megaupload-bust as a second factor to that.
>> > we should thank the FBI for pushing users in our direction :-)
>> And then we should push development of freenet into freenet itself before
>> the FBI comes in our direction. :-)
> =/
> Development alone will not save us.
> With a sufficient set of arguments and PR, we should be able not only to
> keep the FBI at bay, but even portray ourselves as people who are doing
> good(because we are!). This is exactly how WikiLeaks protected themselves
> before they got really big. They were very practiced at answering 
> *all*counterarguments to their activities. I have seen a good deal of
> development and tech support discussion in #freenet, but I have not seen a
> proportionate amount of legal and social defenses.
> Maybe it would be possible to make friends with the EFF or ACLU? I'm not
> sure how we'd get the help we may need.
Could we at least get an update on the front page that is newer than 13th
April 2011 please?  If I didn't know better I would think this project was
Maybe a link to somewhere advising folks to read up on SOPA or other
Internet blacklist activities?

"Freenet is becoming more necessary every day.  We recommend reading up on
laws that may affect you, such as

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