On Thursday 22 Mar 2012 20:34:53 Ximin Luo wrote:
> On 22/03/12 12:00, Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > On Wednesday 21 Mar 2012 00:30:42 Ximin Luo wrote:
> >> "Implicit dependency" means that changing some code in one area results in 
> >> a
> >> logical error in the other, that is not immediately apparent in the
> >> documentation nor any compile-time checking built into the language. 
> >> Obviously
> >> this is not necessarily a bad thing, but there is a lot of it in the config
> >> system, and elsewhere, including in how the configured values are used.
> > 
> > Okay...
> >>
> >> For example, for the longest time there was no centralised management of
> >> run-time files used by Freenet, and even now they are just a bunch of extra
> >> fields in Node.java because I had no existing structure to fit such a 
> >> system
> >> into. However, Node.java is such a fucking disorganised mess, with several
> >> hundred fields, that it's not immediately obvious to everyone that they 
> >> should
> >> be using "new File(Node.nodeDir(), fileName)" rather than "new 
> >> File(fileName)".
> >> I cleaned it up when I first wrote that part, but it looks like misuses 
> >> have
> >> slowly crept in again.
> > 
> > So your complaint is that there is no single central point to put all the 
> > folder names in? Feel free to create one.
> > 
> > Making stuff static is tempting but means we can't do multi-nodes-in-one-VM 
> > tests, although I believe classloader hacks can solve that? Is there much 
> > of a performance cost? Otherwise we can just use a global object and grab 
> > it from Node, or ClientContext.
> >>
> >> Yes, configs have EVERYTHING to do with "writing the values out". All the
> >> read/write logic is wrapped up into a ConfigCallback (which throws a
> >> InvalidConfigException) which is ONLY PASSED TO THE CONFIG SUBSYSTEM. Even
> >> ignoring the obvious intention of whoever named these classes, the target 
> >> of
> >> the read/write logic is completely detached from the logic itself.
> > 
> > ConfigCallback doesn't do any writing out. And the getters don't throw. It 
> > can only throw when a value is changed. So it's still not clear what the 
> > problem is.
> Irrelevant. To repeat:
> - the target of the read/write logic[1] is completely detached from the logic
> itself[2], and too strongly-coupled with the config system[3]
> - too much implicit dependency, due to the way the variables are poorly 
> managed
> [1] whatever get/set acts on
> [2] ConfigCallback
> [3] via .register(), so only the config system sees it

There is some sort of sophisticated design elegance argument going on here that 
goes completely over my head, being a poor ignorant peasant.

As I said we could change it to use getters and setters via reflection, but it 
would only be marginally cleaner.
> Who said anything about making stuff static? Stop making up random straw mans.
> "Feel free to create one" - stop making excuses for not cleaning up your shit
> and telling someone else to do it when they complain! Node.java is a complete
> fucking mess. To make any sort of progress in having a well-structured config
> system, that needs to be cleaned out first.

I'm very happy for other people to clean it up. However for FPI purposes, I 
will only do major refactoring if 1) I am convinced the cost/benefit is 
positive or 2) Ian tells me to.
> >> Your explanation about the ObjectContainer also assumes a severely stunted
> >> events framework can't support fine grained thread control. Why can't 
> >> there, in
> >> your imagination, exist SOMEWHERE, a framework that lets you mandate "only 
> >> run
> >> jobs of type J in thread T"?
> > 
> > And those jobs are called with parameters (ObjectContainer, ClientContext) 
> > ? Since we'll have to subclass it anyway, it's going to be more messy than 
> > the current solution, isn't it? Anyway DBJob/DBJobRunner is pretty simple 
> > (although it's hidden in NodeClientCore along with ClientContext 
> > initialisation which is kind of messy).
> This is bullshit, there is already a "DBJobWrapper implements Runnable" which
> needs nothing extra passed in. In the general case, there are *always* ways to
> get around fiddly crap like this, and they are much simpler than WRITING YOUR
> OWN EVENTS FRAMEWORK (and logging framework and config framework etc etc etc).

What events framework? Executor and Ticker? If you're not even talking about 
DB* then what classes are we arguing about here?
> > I agree we should make *Executor use the standard APIs though - while 
> > keeping the ability to change thread priorities.
> >>
> >> An events framework could handle errant plugins by setting a timeout for 
> >> all
> >> blocking jobs. If they don't complete within X time, interrupt the thread
> >> and/or kill it if it doesn't respond to the interrupt. If the plugin can't
> >> handle it, tough shit their fault. (This is how certain companies run 
> >> reliable
> >> services on a massive scale.)
> > 
> > Can't be done. Period.
> > 
> > It's Java. Java does not support killing threads. According to the 
> > documentation the reason for this is that killing a thread might cause 
> > synchronization problems. Which is true, but I would have thought it was 
> > solvable ... Anyway if you need to be able to kill stuff it has to run in 
> > *a separate JVM*.
> Then interrupt is fine and covers most cases.

It covers some cases. It will not provide reliability against broken plugins; 
it's like Future.cancel(), it only works if you implement it. For most plugins, 
interrupting a running thread isn't useful - work isn't easily reverted. If you 
want specific plugins to use Future's I have no issue with importing the 
relevant APIs from Java or even from (small) third party libraries.
> >> As for the updater, simply seeing where the currently-running JARs are, is 
> >> not
> >> enough, if an update introduces extra JARs as a dependancy. It's necessary 
> >> to
> >> have an explicit list of all the dependencies. Unfortunately it's not 
> >> enough to
> >> simply use the Class-Path attribute of the manifest of freenet.jar, because
> >> that hard-codes the path to the other JARs, whereas we need it to be 
> >> variable
> >> for packaging purposes. So, this information can only be figured out at
> >> *package time* (for arbitrary package layouts), and the updater needs a
> >> mechanism to read this information, and probably update that as well.

To clarify, I suggest the solution to the Class-Path problem is simply not to 
include a Class-Path in the jar.
> > 
> > You are planning to have a packaged version which is able to 
> > auto-update-over-Freenet?
> > 
> > Currently class-path hardcoded freenet-ext.jar for convenience more than 
> > much else. 99% of installs use the wrapper.
> Any software package should support being installed into any arbitrary layout.
> It's just good practise.

You have to tell it where everything is somehow. At a minimum that involves a 
config file. If we are using the wrapper we can probably find the jars from 
that. If we are not I guess they could be configurable but it's messy IMHO. 
See, different definitions of elegance - don't impose yours on me if you don't 
want me to impose mine on you! Alternatively we could come to a civil 

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