Attached is a quick&dirty (and ugly) bash script which compares the disassembly of class files inside freenet.jar with the disassembly of class files compiled from the git repository. Because it uses javap, it's extremely slow.

I'm running the script now, and so far it has found 8 class files with different bytecode. I don't know enough to tell why they differ, but my guess is that this is due to different compilers (official: JDK 1.6.0_26-b03, me: OpenJDK 1.7.0_03), or I screwed up somewhere...

On 10-04-2012 16:01, Matthew Toseland wrote:
We need a script that downloads the latest released jar, and fetches the 
corresponding git tag, compiles the code, and compares it to what has been 
released. Nextgens had a script doing something similar for a while to check 
indenting changes; Java compilation to bytecode is deterministic, but you can't 
just compare the jar's, you need to break out the class files and then compare 
them. Whoever runs this (hopefully more than one person) would need to have the 
same setup that builds are generated on. When I release a build, I compile on 
my system, which is Debian stable. The script could be totally automated with a 
little work (and would have to be adjusted for releases by other people, but 
this is easily checked by who signed the tag).

Anyone want to write such a script? Nextgens do you have the old whitespace 
change checker script still?

I suspect we could get suitable volunteers fairly easily.

IMHO it is important to have third party verification (with said third parties 
not being connected to FPI and ideally some of them not being traceable). For 
all we know my computer is backdoored and it's releasing patched builds with 
surveillance addons already! And future laws, in the UK and elsewhere, may 
compel developers to do this themselves, secretly.

This should be relatively easy to implement, and should put a lot of people's 
minds at rest. So anyone want to develop such a script?

Devl mailing list

# Check command-line
if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ]; then
        echo Usage: "$0" FREENET_DIR SOURCE_DIR
        exit 1

# Check for freenet.jar and freenet-ext.jar
if ! [ -f "$jar" -a -f "$ext" ]; then
        echo "$jar" or "$ext" does not exist
        exit 2

# Extract tag from manifest (is there a better way to do this?)
tag=$(unzip -qcx "$jar" META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | \
      grep Implementation-Version | \
      awk '{print $6}')
if [ -z $tag ] || ! grep build &> /dev/null <<<$tag; then
        echo Failed to extract tag from manifest
        exit 2

# Create temporary dir. Subdirectories to be used are:
# - cmp: class files compiled from source
# - jar: class files from freenet.jar
# - src: source files from git repository
tmp=$(mktemp -d)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo Failed to create temporary directory
        exit 2
echo Using "$tmp" as temporary directory

# Extract all class files from jar
echo Extracting "$jar"
unzip -d "$tmp/jar" -qx "$jar" \*.class

# Get freenet sources at specified tag
echo Checking out $tag
if ! git --git-dir="$2/.git" --work-tree="$tmp" checkout $tag -- src; then
        rm -rf "$tmp"
        echo Failed to checkout $tag
        exit 2

# Compile
echo Compiling $tag
mkdir "$tmp/cmp"                # Output dir
javac $(find "$tmp/src" -name \*.java) -d "$tmp/cmp" -cp "$ext" &> /dev/null

# Compare
echo Comparing class files
rm "$tmp"/{cmp,jar}/freenet/node/Version*.class # Do not compare these
for f in $(find "$tmp/jar" -type f | sort); do
        name=$(sed "s|$tmp/jar/||" <<<"$f")
        if [ "$(javap -c "$f")" != "$(javap -c "$cmp_f")" ]; then
                echo File "$name" differ

# Cleanup
echo Cleaning up
rm -rf "$tmp"
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