Looks like great work Martin, congratulations on the release!


On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Martin Nyhus <martin.ny...@gmx.com> wrote:

> After being in development for nearly a year Freemail 0.2 has been
> released.
> The two main features in 0.2 is the new identity management which uses the
> Web
> of Trust plugin, and a webmail client. This work was mostly done as part of
> Google Summer of Code 2011. Due to the identity management changes this
> version is incompatible with the earlier releases, but to ease the
> migration
> the two versions can be used at the same time without any issues.
> Version 0.1.1 fixes a number of bugs including one potential security issue
> that could enable an attacker with access to the Freenet log files to fetch
> emails from Freenet after they should have been inaccessible.
> Both versions will be available through Freenet after the next update, and
> from
> CHK@xXc1H2eh-1OtCoE4Z0-G4
> ~5SfOFpTWa6YWOP~D4PyuA,dKRuAVWFlHd8ZNvFsIJj1Hzzuyoc7EfoVIXYgz-rfsg,AAIC--8/Freemail-0.1.1.jar
> ~5CXyh3pLkzJHbRm5xj8kf26GyLcT3Zuf1UAsU,pt-TGV39s1ucWNTkZKMdo1dQyaxzaUsSjXlYtBAqfvc,AAIC--8/Freemail-0.2.jar
> I am very interested in feedback about the reliability of Freemail, any
> bugs I
> have missed and performance problems. This can be reported through the
> mailing
> list, the bug tracker and on Freenet.
> Detailed changelog for 0.1.1 (also included in 0.2):
>  o Security fixes:
>    - Log message fetch and insert keys at debug instead of normal/error.
> If a
>      collision occurred the new slot would be logged at error, which
>      would break the forward secrecy of the slot system until the log was
>      deleted. This would enable an attacker with access to the log files to
>      retrieve messages from Freenet.
>  o Bugfixes:
>    - Folders deleted using a mail client are now deleted properly
>    - Fixes a crash that could occur if a mail client connected while
> Freemail
>      was shutting down
>    - The startup message now shows the correct licence (GPL)
>    - Fixes a bug where certain email addresses would cause received
> messages to
>      be empty
>    - Fixes a race condition which could lead to Freemail hanging
>    - Don't delete CC headers from a message before sending
>    - Always print a log message when Freemail isn't connected to the node
>    - IMAP: Remove extra space that was printed in a fetch response without
> a range
>    - IMAP: Fix error message when the end of a range was invalid
>    - IMAP: Handle strange sequence number ranges
>    - IMAP: Remove \* from permanent flags since they were not stored
>    - IMAP: Fix append with two or more flags
>    - IMAP: Reply with error if the append length couldn't be parsed
>    - Fix various locking issues
>    - Don't log the recently failed fetch result as an error
>  o Improvements:
>    - Improve the explanations on the create account page
>    - Only resend the RTS once per two days instead of once per message in
> the
>      outbox per two days, reducing resource usage for unacked messages
>    - Send messages in the order they will be received, improving
> performance
>      when sending a large amount of messages
>    - Alternate between sending and receiving, stopping sending/receiving a
> large
>      number of messages from blocking other operations
>  o Build improvements:
>    - Compile for Java 1.6
>    - Include git describe output in version
>    - Enable warnings when building
>    - Make Ant and Eclipse output files to the same location (build/)
>  o Code changes:
>    - Add unit tests for various classes (mostly IMAP)
>    - Improve errors returned/thrown by HighLevelFCPClient
>    - Add type parameters to all code
>    - Add missing @Override annotations
>    - Throw AssertionError in some cases that should be impossible
>    - Use constants for config file keys
>    - Respond to interrupts in the FCP code
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Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: i...@freenetproject.org
Devl mailing list

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