This looks like an ideal opportunity for us, but I'm crazy busy over the
next week or so and am unlikely to be able to apply.  Would anyone like to
volunteer to take this on?  I can provide them with any necessary


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Carbone <--->
Date: Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 3:18 PM
Subject: Freenet applying for Access Tech Innovation Prize?
To: ...

Dear Ian,

Not sure if you or the Freenet team are aware of the Access Innovation
Awards, $100,000 in prizes across five categories granted to individuals,
organizations or networks who have the best actionable ideas of how to use
information technology to promote and enable human rights or deliver a
social good outcome. The deadline for applications is August 31st, more
details are at

We would love to receive an application from the Freenet team, or if you
have any other current or potential future projects that fit within the
topics. Of the five categories, I think the Blackout Resilience and Golden
Jellybean categories are the most applicable to Freenet, but in any case
they are:

*Blackout Resilience*: $20,000 will go to the best actionable idea to help
build an open-sourced, blackout resilient technology for use by activists
and human rights workers in conditions where there is a need for alternate
communications infrastructure to the one put in place and/or controlled by
the authorities. For example, where there has been a communication network

*Making Crypto Easy*: $20,000 will go to the best actionable idea to
properly integrate encryption into an existing product/system, educate
users as to how to use encryption and/or build a community who use
encryption by default.

*The Bounty*: A $20,000 bounty will be granted for the best patch for a
disclosed or as yet undisclosed vulnerability in a program/platform or
software used by human rights defenders and activists.

*Golden Jellybean*: This is an unthemed category. $20,000 will go to the
best actionable idea of how communication technologies can be used to
promote and enable human rights. This could include funding a researcher
for $20,000; the development of a training guide for activists; a new
censorship circumvention program; or an initiative to detect surveillance
equipment on the network.

*Access Facebook Award*: $20,000 will go to the best actionable idea of how
to use the Facebook platform to deliver a human rights, human development
or social good outcome. We're looking for initiatives across the spectrum -
from enhancing freedom of speech and expression to improving the economic
well-being of a disadvantaged group.

As a reminder, applications will be evaluated based on the impact,
likelihood, innovation, and sustainability of the project or idea. For more
information about the awards, the criteria, or the submission process,
please visit the prize website:
All the best,


Access is a global movement premised on the belief that political
participation and the realization of human rights in the 21st century is
increasingly dependent on access to the internet and other forms of
technology. Visit us at <>.

Michael Carbone

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Devl mailing list

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