
I'd like to resume my Japanese translation work for Freenet (after 2 years
hiatus ;-), please find attached an updated Japanese translation.

BTW, I have two questions:

0) fred-staging/src/freenet/l10n/freenet.l10n.ja.properties contains "End"
in the middle of it, the line 222.  I guess the contents of that file after
that are ignored.  This might be the reason why most of existing Japanese
translation messages don't show up at all for the time being.  Is this
intentional?  If so, could you tell me how to fix them?  Maybe I can merge
them to the current one.

1) In future, I'd like to do pull request on Github for updating the
translation file.  I guess I need to prepare freenet.l10n.ja.properties,
not freenet.l10n.ja.*override*.properties.  Is there any handy way to merge
override to the main properties?

Best regards,

Masayuki Hatta
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Surugadai
University, Japan


mha...@gnu.org  / mha...@debian.org / mha...@opensource.jp /

Attachment: freenet.l10n.ja.override.properties
Description: Binary data

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