On 01/04/2014 01:48 PM, Alexandre Minette wrote:
>> Once the theme is complete I'd be happy to add it to the official
>> distribution of Freenet as the default theme. Files are only subject to
>> filtering when downloaded, and themes are not subject to filtering while
>> in use, so the filter work is not necessary.
> Thanks :), I'll setup a github repository for the theme and I'll
> communicate on it (is there any official way to communicate to the team ?
> (by irc ?)) . This theme is an example and can be completely rewritten if
> you think that it's not suited to the application.

IRC works, as does this list mailing. You would ideally be able to find
developers on FMS, but at the very least you won't find me - I've had
trouble keeping FMS running. Sone would work.

> On this part, I was not specifically thinking of the Freenet theme (because
> of course, there is no restrictions there) but more on what Freesites could
> use on their side. (especially background gradient and animations).

Letting sites use parts of an approved theme is an interesting idea.
We'd have to think carefully about the security implications, and how
exactly it would work. It would need more code to work that way.

>> The installer does embed some official plugins: currently JSTUN, UPnP,
>> Library, KeyUtils, and ThawIndexBrowser. [0] Would you like to propose
>> more to include? Embedding more will make the installer larger.
> I was thinking of Freemail, WOT and the FlogHelper plugin.
> Embedding is not really necessary but just adding a popup to fetch them (or
> not) from pre-defined USKs on the first start could avoid the user to
> search inside Freenet how to configure it.

A section on tasks to perform in the first run setup? That's an
interesting idea. They are available from the plugins page in this way,
but it's a good point that it'd make sense to not make people dig around
for the option.

A version of the setup that's still under development would look
something like this. [0] Perhaps a "Tasks" section would be appropriate.
My understanding is that Irfan Mir is working on CSS that gives
equivalent functionality without Javascript.

> By the way, the FlogHelper plug-in is very nice and convenient to use.
>> Agreed. There's been work on Curator for GSoC 2013, but it needs more
> work and review. [1]
> Didn't know that there were some work on it ! I'll have a look at the repo.
> And sorry again if you interpreted my post aggressively, I just want to
> help a bit as I can because I really like Freenet. All the team kept the
> faith to work on it after all these years so congrats guys :).

[0] http://jsfiddle.net/qcUZ8/2/

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