Here is the email, I've already responded saying that we'll accept:

Hi Ian,

let me first give a short introduction of our/my background: I'd guess, you
have never heard of our organisation SUMA-EV?  We are primarily focussing on
Germany, but we have a small part of our website in English too:

We are into search enginges since 1996, and we are focussing on privacy and
data protection within the search.  You'll find our main search engines at:

 (English version)

Besides that we are doing several things more: Since 2008 we grant awards to
outstanding projects on the Internet.  You might find more about that on our

We want to award your Freenet projekt with the SUMA Award 2014/15. The award
is donated with 2,500,-EUR.  The award ceremony happens to be at our next
congress at the University of Hamburg on the 11th of February 2015.

First we have to clear how the awarding can happen; my questions are:

1) Are you willing to accept the SUMA award and the 2,500,-EUR?

2) Do you have a German representative who can join our congress in Hamburg
   on the 11th of February 2015 and give a German langugage introduction
   about Freenet?

3) Would it be possible to transfer the donation money by an account-only
   cheque ?

I am looking forward to hear from you,
best regards,

On Tue, Dec 16, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Ian Clarke <> wrote:
> These guys would like give us an award, and have asked whether we have a
> German representative that could go to their congress in Hamburg on 11th
> Feb to give a German language introduction to Freenet?
> Could anyone do this?
> Ian.
> --
> Ian Clarke
> Founder, The Freenet Project
> Email:

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
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