On 12/13/2014 11:57 AM, Ximin Luo wrote:
> https://github.com/freenet/debian but it hasn't been updated for a
> few years. Feel free to try to get it to work again.

The unofficial Arch [0] and Gentoo [1] packages, maintained by skydrome
and Tommy[D], might be helpful?

> As far as possible, this tries to follow all of Debian policy. Some
> things still need to be fixed however.
> I wish to veto any half-assed Debian package that doesn't follow
> policy, it will lead to more headache in the long run.
> Some caveats:
> - currently disables update-over-freenet. need to figure out a good
>   way to interact with that

My update channels RFC [2] had something that should be able to deal
with that - inserting distro-specific packages that are fetched, hosted
locally, and added to the mirror/sources list so the system package
manager can handle the upgrade. I2P provides the option to distribute
upgrades over I2P in a similar way.

> - requires master branch of contrib, not sure if freenet has switch
>   yet (still on legacy-29 last time I checked)

Fred is still using the monolithic jar. As far as I understand it the
update infrastructure is in place for making the switch, it's just a
matter of doing it. With purge-db4o in next db4o can now be omitted and
any plugins that use it (I'm only aware of WoT) can provide it themselves.

> - probably lots of other things, but you'll run into them
>   when you've played with that repo.
> Lots of work to be done, happy hacking!
> X

[0] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/freenet/
[1] http://packages.gentoo.org/package/net-p2p/freenet
[2] https://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2014-September/037797.html

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