Hello Freenet team,

After a hiatus of 5 years I have become interested in Freenet again. We all
have different goals with Freenet, mine is to provide a system that will
prevent totalitarian regimes from appearing and to possible topple such
regimes if they already exist. I have identified a good pseudonymous forum
system as the easiest and best method for this. I am also very interested
in the technical challenges like routing algorithms and wondrous stuff like
distributed hashtables and bloom filters.

I understand that I may act like the "new guy" that knows best. It is not
my goal to offend anyone. I like a good discussion and I feel that frank
words help to reach the core of the matter more quickly. I also try to be
really good at receiving criticism, but please remind me of that when I

My first impressions of Freenet when I returned where:
1. It's much faster!
2. The website and Freenet look as uninviting as ever
3. What happened to Freetalk?

I have since discovered the fate of Freetalk. It seems that some design
flaws (also in the Web of Trust) were the reason it was removed. Developer
shortage has kept it from reaching its potential.

I have spoken to some people on IRC and it seems that there is a real
shortage of contributors to Freenet. I think this is the point that needs
to be addressed first. Among my various interests is also a keen interest
in marketing so I'd like to be involved in that. If we can get more
developers all other goals will be much easier to reach. Honest marketing
and honest sales are very good tools that can improve the happiness of
everyone involved.

- We need to have a website that is inviting to contributors (and users,
which are potential contributors)
- We need a better logo. The "rabbit" doesn't look very high-tech to me.
Developers like high-tech stuff.
- We need to write interesting technical articles and post these to Hacker
News and reddit. These articles should be about how we solved a certain
technical challenge.
- To attract users we could write nice how-to's or something like a
"Freenet find of the month" kind of thing.

Is there currently someone responsible for the marketing of Freenet? Is
there a plan? How can I get involved? What do you think of these ideas?

This message was posted to the "Freetalk" board on FMS and to the Freenet
development mailing list.


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