It works now. Thanks! No further issues upgrading from -pre3

On Sat, Jun 27, 2015 at 8:13 PM, Steve Dougherty <> wrote:
> On 06/27/2015 07:36 PM, Juiceman wrote:
>> The windows update script on the website still has Unix style line endings
>> that break the batch script. My install detects a new script on the
>> website, downloads and launches it then fails with "the system cannot find
>> the batch label specified - extjardownloadend. I tracked this down to the
>> line endings issue about a month ago. The directory on the website "
>>"; needs to have the .cmd
>> files saved with CRLF style line endings.
>> Let me know when this is done and I will retest.
> Whoops, sorry about that - I forgot. Thank you for bringing it up again.
> I've added a .gitattribute file with eol=clrf [0] for update.cmd and
> uploaded them again. It now has clrf line endings. Does it work now?
> [0]
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