On Sunday, October 11, 2015 07:33:29 PM Steve Dougherty wrote:
> Florent expressed interest in getting the caching store tracker out, [0]
> but we'd also planned for 1471 to transition to a new key as part of
> 1472 requiring Java 7, and that's not implemented yet. Are people
> interested in postponing the Java 7 transition again if it's necessary
> to get 1471 out sooner?
> I plan to release 1471-pre2 the weekend of October 24th.

I don't really need Java 7 yet for my purposes -> Don't care.

What I do care about:
There currently are 2 WoT releases which have not been deployed yet, and the 
latest of those has been released for testing for almost a month.
So I'd say it would be safe to get out WoT build0017 at least, if not 
The performance improvements they provide should be a lot for each of them, so 
it'd be really nice to get one out.

I'd suggest you try to compile / unit test them soon enough: We've two times 
in a row had the case where you tried to compile them on fred release day, ran 
into problems, and couldn't wait for me to fix them because it was release day 

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