On 10/23/2015 02:54 AM, dean wrote:
> On 10/23/15 13:50, Steve Dougherty wrote:
>> On 10/22/2015 06:09 PM, dean wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have been hacking on the freenet debian package for a little while and
>>> I think I have gotten it up to a usable stage. Id like some feedback if
>>> someone would like to browse/test it please?
>> Sure! I'm glad to hear you got this working again. Hopefully we'll be
>> able to start publishing it this time around.
>> From looking at the diff:
>> * GWT continues to be painful. What is it required for? IIRC it's the
>>   progress loading images, which are cool, but also kinda abandoned.
>>   Maybe someone will be interested in rescuing them during the
>>   hackathon?
> Yes! I'm not at all happy including the jars like that, it was a bit of
> a last resort so that the build process will work for everybody. I need
> to do some digging here, hopefully the hackathon can purge it forever.

It's certainly the pragmatic choice. I've started

>> * The change to the seednodes update makes things end up in a different
>>   directory: it removes one cd but not the matching cd -.
> Nice one, Fixed. Also went back to timestamping, much better, thanks!.

On that note, is there a reason to commit seednodes.fref if it's liable
to be overwritten when fetched? Is it a fallback for if it can't be fetched?

>> * I don't think v29 is preferable to contrib master. master is split
>>   into multiple jars,  which is better and I'm hoping we can move to it.
> My thoughts on this were: The debian package should use exactly the same
> code as everybody else does. Isn't contrib master considered untested? I
> planned to trial contrib master in branch until freenet used contrib
> master too. Am I being silly? Should I just use master?

I'd be interested in restoring using master, yes. It's a good point that
using the same version as deployed has consistency benefits, but:

* Would using split contrib minus the wrapper things it builds make it
  entirely use the Debian wrapper and avoid wrapper version mismatch
* As I'm hoping to move to contrib master in unpackaged Fred within the
  next few releases, putting it in the Debian package which is already
  in testing for other reasons would give contrib master some testing
  as well.

> It should be fairly trivial to update the wrapper freenet uses shouldn't
> it? Maybe I'll look at this later, or when the build system gets upgraded.

It should be, but it isn't as easy as it should be because of the
monolithic freenet-ext.

>> * Why not depend on Bouncy Castle? I'd rather make a Debian package for
>>   1.52 and use that.
> Me too. The problem is in the making of the package. I'm subscribed to
> the debian-java mail list and there has been mention of updating it, but
> who knows when. I was trying to make this package usable right now and
> depending on an old lib freenet will refuse to use is just a waste of
> disk space.

That's an update for the experimental version though, right? That
doesn't help people on earlier versions.

>> * Why is extlib.wrapper.suppress in contrib.override.properties changed
>>  to false?
> Because of he wrapper version mismatch I referred to above, debian/rules
> now builds wrapper.jar and includes it in /usr/share/java/freenet ( so
> as to not confuse it with the /usr/share/java/wrapper.jar from
> service-wrapper in the repo). Its a bit of a mess I know...
> In most of the decisions I made here I tried to take the safe option to
> try to minimise debian only bugs and reduce workload and maintenance so
> this package can be usable for a long time. This is still a work in
> progress. A freenet debian repo would be nice too so I can just add
> http://freenetproject.org/debian to my sources.list does anyone think
> that could be possible? I understand we are still a while away form that
> stage but a man can dream cant he?.

A repo would be great! Probably
https://downloads.freenetproject.org/debian/, though. Also - Debian
packages can be used to update over Freenet too. Mempo's already doing
it, though the experience would be improved by a plugin which downloads
everything under a USK and mirrors it locally.

>> Thanks,
>> Steve
> Thanks for your review! Do you think you will get a chance to build and
> test the package too? I understand your very busy so its ok if you cant,
> maybe someone else can?.

I'll do that too, but probably not this weekend because I'll be working
on the 1471-pre2 prerelease.

> Thanks again,
> Dean.

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