Hello freenet-dev,

In a recent comment on a pull request:


Steve said:

1471 isn't going to split freenet-ext either. Hrm.

I would like to help with this as I have recently had the dubious pleasure of 
deciphering the build scripts from contrib/NativeBigInteger. I had initially 
wondered if it is still worth it as it has been some time since the repository 
was updated, I found that with the version of GMP that is "supposed" to be 
used, 5.0.1 (by that I mean the one referenced in the build scripts in contrib 
on github) the speed is:

native run time: 66ms (0ms each)
java run time: 329ms (3ms each)
native = 20.060790273556233% of pure java time
native run time: 60ms (0ms each)
java run time: 310ms (3ms each)
native = 19.35483870967742% of pure java time

Running the same thing with the most recent GMP, 6.1.0:

native run time: 47ms (0ms each)
java run time: 315ms (3ms each)
native = 14.920634920634921% of pure java time
native run time: 49ms (0ms each)
java run time: 315ms (3ms each)
native = 15.555555555555555% of pure java time

I can only guess what version is used in the official release but from the 
dates on the i2p 
repository and the dates in freenet-ext.jar (09-05-2011) and TommyD's Gentoo 
ebuild I am guessing 4.1.4 - 4.2.2, in any case the runtime is:

native run time: 101ms (1ms each)
java run time: 375ms (3ms each)
native = 26.933333333333334% of pure java time
native run time: 89ms (0ms each)
java run time: 316ms (3ms each)
native = 28.164556962025316% of pure java time

These are the tests included in the i2p NativeBigInteger.class file and I them 
several times, they seem quite consistent. These tests were performed on my 
laptop, of 2012 vintage: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2720QM CPU @ 2.20GHz. If you 
happen to be running Gentoo, and let's face it why wouldn't you, TommyD's 
ebuild will create a library that uses whichever gmp is installed on your local 
machine so that is good :-). From the above, less than rigorous results, it 
seems that it is still worth using NativeBigInteger, at least on my machine.

I also notice that we have two NativeBigInteger.class files, one in 
freenet-ext.jar and one in freenet.jar, they are different and if you run 
freenet on a Raspberry Pi 2 with freenet-ext.jar first in your classpath 
libjbigi-linux-arm.so is not loaded even if it is present, I can only assume 
that the source to that version does not support arm.

I realise this is probably not news to many and so before I go off and begin 
re-writing the build scripts I thought I would see if anyone else is currently 
engaged in re-packaging freenet-ext.jar. I was thinking to use Autotools, I 
know that Gradle is getting a lot of attention but as jbigi and jcpuid are 
native components I thought it may be better to keep with Autotools (naturally, 
I would create and test scripts that would work in MinGW/Cygwin too but might 
need a little help from anyone running FreeBSD or OS X).

Kind regards,

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