Am Dienstag, 8. März 2016, 22:18:22 schrieb Bert Massop:
> On 08-03-16 21:29, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> > So I see two ways forward:
> > 
> > 
> > 1. Just live with the limitation of browsers and limit m3u to external
> >    applications.
> > 
> > 2. Do content-filter-magic and conjure up some javascript during
> >    filtering which makes audio-tags with m3u work as if the browser
> >    support existed.
> > What do you think? Should I go for the first or auto-enhance the
> > audio-tag in freesites?
> For now, I'd suggest to go for the first. Both HTML audio and basic
> streaming would work, just not together.

Since no one else wrote and this is the path which is much easier for me and 
allows merging the feature more easily, I’ll chose the first then :)

> I don't think we need more Javascript in core FProxy at the moment. If
> auto-enhancing anything, please do so in a separate plugin.

Plugins for filter-enhancements sound interesting.

> It might be
> an idea to remux the separate files (assuming they are of the same kind)
> and present them to the browser as a single file. Note that for MP3,
> this is a simple matter of concatenation.

That would not allow sharing data in multiple playlists, so I think it’s much 
weaker than actually using playlists. Future ideas for the m3u filter could be 
to allow any Freenet key, so multiple sites could use the same files without 
having to encode redirects in the manifest.

But it’s a possibility which Freesite authors could use right now, which gives 
it a big advantage. So that’s OK for me for now.

Best wishes,
singing a part of the history of free software: 


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