Same as my last mail about the website, I'll try to have this be the last mail 
with regards to our discussion here.
This sub-thread here isn't helping the project, so I should stop replying to 

Unlike the one to Ian, this one is *not* going to try to be positive.
In fact, it will not only be negative but may also be hurtful.
Sorry, but I am fed up with the harassment of Florent and I will tell him why.
I cannot productively write code under the circumstance that every day I wake 
up to an insult of him.

I can at least tell you that nobody else needs to waste his time in reading 
this if you don't feel like reading it. It contains information primarily 
valuable for Florent.

On Monday, August 08, 2016 10:08:49 AM Florent Daigniere wrote:
> You have to accept the fact that you can't be the right tool for doing
> everything. In the past few days alone, you have suggested that you're
> qualified to be:
> - the resident website design guy
> - the PR/spokesperson
> - the fund-raising guy
> - the WoT developer

Shame on me for believing I could be able to do 4 things as a human.

> I have never argued that you can't do any of it, I have argued that you
> are not good-enough at it to be our paid resource working on it.

You neither are.
You insult everyone around you.
The only judgments you ever do about anything are negative.
Do you think this puts you into a position to judge who can represent the 
Do you think this helps the team stay productive?
Waking up to insults every day?
Do you really think this makes anyone write more code?

And: You haven't written a *single* commit of WoT code, yet you believe you 
can judge my work. Still, you constantly repeat that we're a meritocracy.

And besides: Why didn't you just fork your "Florent-net" already?
You dislike Freenet's goals, you dislike the contributors, you dislike the 
decision procedures. You yourself say that you don't even want users.
Is there anything you like at all?

And why are you even writing software in the first place?
If you don't want users, write papers.
If you didn't want to give people electricity, you wouldn't build a power 
At best, you'd write a physics book on how to build power plants.
Software is meant to be used, and software is thus meant to appease users.

So papers may indeed be much more fun for you.
And guess what: We're having a big lack of people writing papers anyway.
So perhaps for the benefit of increasing your own fun just resort to that and 
leave people alone with anything user-focused?

> Other members of the community accept criticism and the standard our
> RMs are setting, you don't seem to.

I cannot remember a single instance of you using the word "sorry".

In fact, you're so obviously bad at this that:
- you not just once made another human being consider writing a shell script 
to count the number of times you said "sorry" in IRC discussions, just to 
prove that you never do.
- you made another human being collect a directory full of you arbitrarily 
insulting people. It currently contains 17 log files of 17 distinct IRC 
- And for the record: You're absolutely the only human being who made me 
gather this data.

Ask yourself: Is making someone else do this a great accomplishment you've 
done with your life?

You are the one who cannot accept criticism.

> No. It's even the proof that you don't understand the job description.
> Raising $20 once isn't what is going to keep the project afloat. The
> idea of having a paid resource raising money is that it should be able
> to raise more money than it costs; you have brilliantly demonstrated
> that you don't even understand that!

You really think this was about the $ 20?
The $ 20 are irrelevant.
This was about showing social skill, which is the key requirement for anything 
related to asking other people for help.

But I can understand that you wouldn't see social skill given that you don't 
seem to care at all about trying to show it.

I don't even think you have no social skill. You're very certainly intelligent 
enough for having it.
You just actively decide against using it, which is the biggest insult you can 
give people in the first place.
You show people that you actively decide to not care about how bad you make 
them feel. I've told you numerous times that your gross insults hurt me, and 
you don't even try to stop with them.

This is the highest form of disrespect.

> > (Attention: More bragging ahead!)
> > 
> > I had already gotten one of those two journalists to dedicate half a
> > page of 
> > the local newspaper to an article about Bitcoin. It was half
> > interview with 
> > me, half comment - and the comment did seem positive, which I think
> > is a
> > success given how many people doubted Bitcoin in 2013.
> > (I can provide a scan to Ian if you doubt that, he knows my real name
> > so I 
> > wouldn't care to give it to him.)
> Have you asked for the permission to do that? The line is pretty clear,
> you're allowed to do advocacy (like anyone else), but if you represent
> the project in front of the press, you run it through its coordinator.
> For the record, I am definitely not comfortable with you representing
> "us" and I have made that clear to our coordinator (Ian) in the past.

Now this absolutely is the icing of the cake.

You're the person who has the pet peeve of constantly randomly throwing a 
hissy fit at me telling me that I shouldn't "boss" volunteers such as you 

And the same person is now telling me I need to ask for permission to 
volunteer to have an interview about a things which I've did with my life for 
8 years.
It's MY life, if I want to tell anyone what I did with it, I can perfectly 
damn fine do that without asking for your permission.

But since I don't have a spine and am still willing to try to get to peace 
with you, here's the justification of why this won't go wrong:
Over the past years, I've explained Freenet to *hundreds* of sceptical 
Many of which at first are like "wtf are you doing with your damn laptop 
here?", "wtf, the darknet is about porn and drugs?", etc.

And I get 90% of them to like Freenet in the end.
Some of them even were actual cops who are inclined to believe that Freenet is 
involved in illegal things.
And guess what the talk ended with?
"You're cool, go on programming, don't waste your time with me!"

Nevertheless, I do realize that you've seen much of my negative side on IRC to 
doubt that.
But you have a big influence in this: Stop insulting me and I will be kind.
Or just leave me alone.

But please, for the sake of the project, stop your insults towards me.
They actively prevent me from writing code instead.

Sorry for this harsh criticism, but it is really destroying the fun in my life 
to every day wake up to a negative rant of yours.
I'm already at the point where I'm afraid of opening IRC / devl every morning.
You're hurting me. And I'm probably not the only one being hurt by your 

And I would strongly doubt you enjoy it yourself. Seriously, how can being 
angry all the time be fun? The only thing you'll get from that is a heart 
So if you're both hurting yourself and the people involved, why not try to 
focus on something which is fun instead?

hopstolive  (keyword for Ians spam filter)

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