> I don't see what the issue is here.  Separate
> attempts were made to
> negotiate a connection with the target node on
> different threads.
> Each failed, so each decrements the CP.
> --gj

Well I tried again with debug level and it still seems
that there is only one request made to the node, but
still there are two decreases, and there are few more
things that bother me.

So this is what I basically get from the debug log:
Thread A: returning element OtherNode
Thread A: forwarding query to OtherNode

Thread B: I/O error with OtherNode, 
 exception blah blah
Thread B: decreasing to 0.5

Thread A: routing failure with OtherNode,
 exception blah blah
Thread A: decreasing to 0.25

There is no other mention of OtherNode in the whole
debug log, not even an initial "found new new node". 
A ping tells me that IP is unreachable.
Thread B never ever appears in the entire log before
or after that.  Seems like both the thread and the
node come out of nowhere.

If anyone wants to look at it, I've got the whole
uncensored debug log uploaded at


It contains only startup, connecting to Fwproxy, and a
request of your (GJ's) homepage, and is therefore only
22kb .  The seed file I think was the standard issue
seed.ref from the main site.  The situation I
described above happens towards the end of the log
file, where 

OtherNode = tcp/
Thread A = Thread-3
Thread B = Thread-6  

I'm totally lost - please help!

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