On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 07:39:25PM -0400, Dan Merillat wrote:
> Net wise, it's the best I've seen in a long time.  I can reach freesites,
> frost works and hell, I can retrieve splitfiles.
I have not been able to retrieve any pieces of any splitfiles in a long,
long time. I am not sure if this is a bug, or if they simply are swamped
out by Frost, but it's something I want to investigate. What splitfiles
have you fetched successfully? Private email if they're illegal, use my
public key.
> Current problems:
> Fproxy:
> Attempt #1 of downloading a splitfile ALWAYS fails with 'could not retrieve 
> enough blocks: got Y of X' where Y is always > X.  Attempt #2 works.
> This happens occasionally on a non-split CHK (html, jpg, text) where a second
> attempt will cause things to Just Work.
> This could be DS related, since the logs are full of failed to store 
> key/insufficient storage exceptions.
> Fred:
> Datastore, but we know that already.  Is anyone using Native yet?
> --Dan
My main problem with freenet atm is that it crashes all the time. This
is apparently a problem with Kaffe. One could argue that it is a release
stopper, since freenet is supposed to work with free software, but I
have no idea how to fix it. And I don't think 0.5 is close, there's
plenty to do first (for example ARKs).
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