> From: Ian Clarke <ian at freenetproject.org>
> Date: 28 Oct 2002 10:20:38 -0800
> Does anyone have this graph:
>   http://localhost:8889/diagnostics/graphs?var=jobsExecuted
> for the last 12 hours or so?  It would be interesting to see.

I am showing a similar graph. I am also showing from incomingInserts and
incomingRequests that Freenet is flatlining (zero of both for the past
few hours) within about 2 hours of it getting its slashdotting. I will
leave it up to see if it rebounds back spontaneously.


> Ian.
> -- 
> Ian Clarke                ian@[freenetproject.org|locut.us|cematics.com]
> Latest Project                                 http://cematics.com/kanzi
> Personal Homepage                                     http://locut.us/
> ----

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